5 Thoughts - Aug
Date: 8/15/2000
That Michael is some quarterback. The 6'1", 200 pounder with great moves
and rocket arm, he's been known to be able to fire a ball 75+ yards, and is
deadly accurate with a passing efficiency rating of 145.2 for his career. #7 is
a winner and got his team within a breath of the national title. A true
competitor, Michael has all the skills to become an elite NFL quarterback.
Michael Vick? No...Michael Bishop.
You remember him. The former Kansas State star who took the program into elite status. We couldn't be more confused by the whole scouting process since both #7s are outstanding quarterbacks yet Vick will be a top five pick while Bishop was taken in the 7th round. He's now tearing it up for the Patriots and is a fan favorite.
You don't see anyone saying Vick should go to the CFL for seasoning or suggest he switch to defensive back like the scouts had suggested for Bishop. Why was this? In this day and age we're not suggesting there were any racial implications involved but we'd just like to point out that while everyone is fawning all over Vick, and rightly so, the scouting process is still a very strange and selective one.
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